Welcome to the 2024 WYOPASS / Western Planner / WyGEO Conference! We're excited to have you and 170+ other attendees join us this year from all across the West. Here are a few details to help your experience in Cheyenne.
Conference CM Credits
The event code for this conference is #9294949. Please use this number when adding the conference to your continuing education credits for AICP certification maintenance. CM credits for this event are made possible by the Western Central Chapter of the APA.
Printable Block Schedule
Available here.
Conference Information (Website)
We will not have printed brochures at the event. All relevant information is on the website: westernplanner.org/2024-conference. This serves as the conference brochure with the sessions and schedule. Please let me know if you have problems with the website.
The conference did not offer meals aside from these:
Light (bagels and muffins) breakfast items on Wednesday morning
Afternoon snack
Hors d'oeuvres at the Tuesday Reception
Dinner Wednesday evening at the reception
Lunch for the Capitol Tour attendees
Lunch for the Friday planning commissioner workshop
We'll have coffee and tea available throughout the event.
Social Media
Use hashtags #WYWP24 and #WesternPlanner2024 when posting on the event.
Please reach out to me if you have any questions. Paul Moberly, editor@westernplanner.org, 607-339-8259. Enjoy WYWP24!