Coordination and Collaboration: Overcoming Joint Planning Hurdle

The resistance to joint planning often has resulted in a historical tension between what it means to live in the county and what it means to live in rural areas. Without joint planning, inertia and current development trends will result in development patterns which contribute to sprawl and increased infrastructure costs. By revisioning these interfaces through the lens of joint planning, we can bring the benefits of ecosystems into city environments, reconnect us with nature and food, shape and support our cities, provide for affordable housing, and contribute to addressing issues affecting the sustainability of our western landscapes. State Statutes in many states allow for the creation of intergovernmental agreements (IGAs) and joint planning areas, but few communities have adopted IGAs to address development and growth at the fringes of cities and towns.


Melissa Ruth, AICP
Logan Simpson

Melissa is an AICP certified community planner with experience working in communities across the mountain in both the public and the private sector, ranging from public participation and engagement to long-range comprehensive plans and land use code drafting. Melissa specializes in small town and rural planning, focusing on action-oriented plans and land use code implementation.

Derek Teini, AICP
Community and Economic Development Director
City of Laramie

Derek T. Teini, AICP is the Community and Economic Development Director for the City of Laramie, Wyoming. Originally from Sheridan Wyoming, Derek attended the University of Wyoming where he received his Master’s in Planning. Derek also has a B.S. in Geology with a concentration in Environmental Science and Natural Resources. Starting as an intern while in school, Derek now has worked for the City of Laramie Planning Department for over 19 years. Derek has been a key figure in many major projects within the community including Laramie’s Comprehensive Plan, Aquifer Protection Plan, Cirrus Sky Technology Park and Unified Development Code. Derek is also a member of WYOPASS and currently is an At-Large Board Member.