Water Quality and Land Use Planning - V2 the Lower Umatilla Basin Groundwater Management Area

In 2023, two Oregon County Planning Directors provided an overview of how water quality and land use planning coordination functions in Oregon. Since then, counties have received funding to study approximately 3,300 individual domestic wells and look for alternatives to connect to a public drinking water system. Presenter will provide an update and share lessons learned about working more closely with natural resource and public health agencies, challenges in development of a comprehensive GIS database tied to land parcels and the ever-so-nuanced political dynamics.


Tamra Mabbott
Planning Director
Morrow County

Tamra Mabbott has worked in rural eastern Oregon since 1991, spending most of those years working as a county Planner but also as a Community Development Director and a region representative for the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development. Tamra holds an M.A. in Urban Planning from UCLA. She serves as a Board trustee of Eastern Oregon University and serves on other various boards and in volunteer roles.